Saturday, March 11, 1893
BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Bailey, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening services at 7 p.m. Sabbath School 12 m.
ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. J. F. Clancy, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock a.m.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-E. W. Ward, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 m. Children’s services 3 p.m. Class-meeting 6:15 p.m. Bible study Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Friday, 7 p.m.
GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH-Rev. Wm. A. Schuester, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening service at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at 9 a.m.
GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sabbath school at 9:00 a.m.
LOUNSBURY LODGE, No. 751-Meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; L. A. Powers, S. W.; F. W. Shipman, J. W.; M. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; W. J. Hanower, S. D.; Wm. McCredie, J. D.; A. Gleason, T.
BARRINGTON POST No. 275 G. A. R., Department of Ill.-Meet every second Friday in the month at Parker’s Hall. A. S. Henderson, Commander; L. F. Elvidge, S. V. C.; L. H. Bute, J. V. C.; A. Gleason, Q. M.; E. R. Clark, O. D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.; Henry Reuter, Sergt,; F. A. Lageschulte, Chap.
W. R. C., No. 95-Meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Emily Gleason, Pres.; Miss Bertha Seebert, Sec.
M. W. A., Camp 809.-Meets first Saturday of each month at Lamey’s Hall. E. R. Clark, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; Fred Kirschner, B.; M. T. Lamey, Clerk; William Antholts, W.; Lyman Powers, E.; P. A. Hawley, S.
FOR SALE-Farm of 118 acres of land with good buildings, and store situated in first-class location. For particulars call on or address LOUIS LAGENHEIM.
Lagenheim, Ill.
Mr. Brasel has recovered from the injuries received a few weeks ago and is now on duty at the crossing.
Miss Jennie Henderson, formerly of this place, spent a few days last week with her uncle, A. S. Henderson.
Mr. W. Hawley of Dundee called on relatives here last Thursday.
Mr. James Dymond of Chicago made a business trip here Tuesday.
William Doran is visiting with his mother this week.
Edward Heimerdinger visited with his parents last Sunday.
Miss Baldwin of Palatine called on friends here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hennings spent a few days in the city last week.
Miss Ida Dodge returned home to Elgin last Monday after a brief visit with friends here during the past week.
As election is close at hand those seeking office will bear in mind that candidates for town offices, unless regularly nominated, will have to have nomination papers with the signatures of at least twenty five legal voters of the town. Nomination papers must be filed with the Town Clerk at least fifteen days before the election. Town election will be on Tuesday, April 4.
Mr. Schafer of Chicago is visiting this week with his son George.
Mr. H. Landwer and H. Schroeder made Elgin friends a call last Sunday.
Mr. Ancil Smith was tendered a surprise party last Saturday in honor of his forty-first birthday. Those present were his mother, Miss Nora Smith, Messrs. And Mesdames C. H. Smith, John Applebee, Lampkee, Fred Schweinn, Bowman and F. A. Cady.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey attended the Whitney wedding at Lake Zurich Wednesday evening, Feb. 22.
Twenty pounds of granulated sugar for $1 at A. W. Meyer & Co.
Miss L. Landwer and brother visited with friends at Elgin last Sunday.
Miss Frye and Miss Bauman made Miss Landwer a call last week.
Miss Emma Schuster visited with friends in Elgin last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bromellcamp gave a party to a number of their friends at their home last Friday evening. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Brinker, William Elsner, Fred Jarnholtz, John Brinker, Henry Keolling, Harry Keolling, Theodore Johnholtz, William Horn, Misses Mamie Brinker, Bertha Jarnholtz, Lena Howe and Lena Boehm. Music was furnished during the evening by Willie Brose.
Mr. Frank Waterman moved in the M. E. parsonage this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, who have been visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Comstock, during the past few weeks, returned to their home at Rockford last Monday.
Mr. Henry Kampert, Jr., made a business trip to Waukegan last Thursday.
J. S. Harnden died Monday morning, Feb. 27, 1892, at his home four miles north of Barrington of pneumonia after an illness of a few weeks. The funeral occurred last Thursday, the Rev. E. W. Ward officiating.
Among those on the sick list this week are Mrs. Rodgers, Miss Minnie Hutchingson and Mrs. H. C. P. Sandman.
Mr. Lytle of Palatine visited his daughter, Mrs. F. E. Hawley, last Tuesday.
Cossie Zimmerman of Elgin is visiting with his grandparents this week.
Mr. Earith will soon move in his house, which is occupied at present by Mrs. J. K. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer visited friends at Cary, Ill., last Sunday.
Mr. G. W. Johnson, who has been suffering from a stroke of paralysis, is reported some better.
Miss Squires of Nebraska is visiting her aunt, Mrs. U. R. Burlingham, this week.
The W. R. C. initiated six new members at their special meeting last Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Abbs visited friends at Arlington Heights last week.
MARRIAGE-Thursday, Feb. 23. Miss Clara Laube to Heinrich Wiese.
Fifteen pounds choice Raisins for ????; choice flour for $3.50 per barrel, at Landwer & Hobein.
Miss Mary Plagge of Northfield visited relatives and friends here during this week.
Mr. Sass has sold his home and two lots to Arnold Schauble. Consideration, $1,350.
Mr. Peter Schultz has moved in his house, recently occupied by Henry Volker.
Mrs. Freeman has rented her house and is now living at the home of her son, Lawson Elvidge.
Miss Alice Applebee spent last Sunday with Miss Laura Widmer.
Mrs. J. G. Selleck of Janesville was a visitor at the W. R. C. meeting last week.
Try the one dollar flour at A. W. Meyer & Co.
Mr. D. H. Haegar of Elgin made a business trip here last Friday.
Mrs. Kirmale of Chicago spent a few days of last week with her son, Gustave, who has been quite sick.
Old Gold Washing Powder, 20 cents for 4 lb. package at A. W. Meyer & Co.
The New England supper and entertainment given by the Barrington Choral Union in the Baptist church Wednesday evening, Feb. 22, was a social and financial success.
Fall line of wall paper with ceilings and borders to match, 5 cents a roll.
? A. W. Meyer & Co.
Mr. Geo. Schafer bought of G. H. Lageschulte one acre of land situated near the property of Wm. Peters; consideration, $800.
Mr. Samuel Geiske has returned from a trip through Michigan.
Wm. Selleck of Chicago visited last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Fox.
Mrs. J. K. Bennett will move in Mr. Holmes’ house next week.
Dr. C. E. Allahouse, a dentist of Chicago, will be in his office over J. C. Plagge’s store every Friday of each week after March 3.
Thirty-five new samples of carpets to sell for 35 cents a yard and upwards at A. W. Meyer & Co.
FOR RENT-The store in the Lamey building. A fine location for a bakery ior small store. For particulars call or address J. D. LAMEY Barrington, Ill.
A surprise party was tendered Geo. Bauman one evening of last week and a very pleasant time was had by those present.
Miss Ida Thies of Plum Grove is visiting at L. F. Schroeder’s this week.
A young people’s missionary meeting was held at the Evangelical Church last Tuesday evening.
Mr. George Frye of Nunda visited with his uncle, Mr. G. Frye, last Sunday.
Mrs. Kennicott of Chicago is visiting friends here this week.
The rumor of the purchase of Mrs. Willmer’s place by Mr. John Applebee seems to be without foundation.
Miss Ida Dickman visited with Mrs. H. Harmening at Palatine Saturday.
Mr. Edward Bauman of Elgin is at home this week.
Presiding Elder Gasley of Chicago held services at the Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon.
Misses Marth and Lucy Hennings visited with friends at Woodstock last Sunday.
Misses Emma and Martha Heuer of Orchard Place visited at E. Hachmeister’s Thursday of last week.
Miss Amber Cady is on the sick list.
Miss Barnett’s room enjoyed a vacation on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. Henry Boehmer made a business trip here last Tuesday.
Subscribe for the Review, only $1.00 a year when paid in advance.
Henry Miller has gone to Hot Springs, Ark.
The Rev. Berry preached at the M. E. church last Sunday afternoon.
A new organ has been put in the Baptist Church recently.
Mr. Fitzsimmons and Mr. Purcel had to quit work during the past week on account of ill health.
Mr. William McCredie of this place and Mr. Richmond of Palatine made a trip to Washington last week to attend the inauguration of Grover Cleveland.
Property all along the beltline is booming in good shape. Not only has Waukegan sprung up under this impetus, but the towns west of it have been subject to a rise in the value of property. During the past week from twelve to fifteen contracts have been signed and delivered to the Recorder’s office at Waukegan granting options on property in the towns of Libertyville and Vernon. The
options have, in nearly every case, been granted to Chicago parties, though what they will do with it is not known. All land along the belt railway is very valuable and in time will bring big prices.
Mesdames G. H. A. Thomas and George Schwletzer of Palatine, Messrs. J. Bergman, H. Herschlag and A. Garnes of Palatine were callers at H. Diekman’s during the past week.
John Barnett visited with his mother during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Smith spent Monday in Elgin.
Mrs. S. Gillette of Sheboygan Falls is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Highley this week.
It is rumored that a wedding will soon occur on the North Side.
There will be a Quotation Social at the home of S. Peck on Thursday evening, March 16. A good supper will be served and music will be furnished during the evening. A good time is promised to all.
Mrs. Miller, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hawley, during the past week, returned home Wednesday.
Through some mistakes in the mails our news was received too late last week for that issue.
Get your announcements for town offices early in the Review, as the early bird catches the early worm, and your announcement in the Review catches the eye of the voter of this community.
Mr. Wink and son spent Monday in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Platt of Cuba visited relatives here Saturday.
S. Peck has opened store in Wm. Howarth’s building this week.
Joshua Streeter Hernden was born in Granville, Washington County, N. Y. He was converted when a young man 24 years of age. He walked uprightly, walked in his integrity up to the hour of his death. When 21 years old he went to sea on board a whaling vessel , visiting the Island of Madagascar and the coast of Africa. After an absence of one year he returned home, remaining five years. Three years after he went on a second voyage, returning in eleven months with a full cargo of oil. In 1836 he came west with one sister and Messrs. Alcott & Thomas White, in the town of Cuba, where he has resided fifty-seven years. He held the office of Town-
Ship School Treasurer twenty-seven consecutive years, and was in that position at the time of his death. His politics were Republican until the Prohibition party asked for and then demanded a recognition of their principles. He was opposed to human slavery and organized secrecy. The question with him always was not “What was the best policy,” or “What is expedient?” but “What is right?” He was outspoken in his principles. The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips. He leaves as an inheritance not worldly goods, but a noble, and
upright life. He died Feb. 27, 1892, aged 85 years, 11 months and 10 days, leaving a widow, five sons and one daughter. Funeral services conducted by the Rev. Frank Fish and sermon preached by the Rev. A. W. Parry from the text, “Mark the perfect man and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” Psalm, 37:37.
Wedding Bells at Lake Zurich.
Feb. 22 was a day of much joy at Zurich, the event being the marriage of Miss Lydia, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitney, to Mr. James H. Snetsinger of Newington, Ontario. The weather was mild and all nature seemed to grant its blessings upon the occasion. Friends and relatives began to assemble early in the evening at the home of the bride’s parents, and precisely at
8 o’clock the happy pair became husband and wife. The Rev. Bailey of the Barrington Baptist Church officiated. After congratulations the company repaired to the dining-hall, where a repast was served which would do credit to any host and hostess. After supper prayer was offered by the Rev. Bailey, an original poem by Mr. George Spunner and congratulatory telegrams from friends in Ontario were read. The remainder of the evening was spent in merry-making. The
bride was tastefully attired and wore natural flowers. The presents were both beautiful and useful and betokened the high esteem in which the young couple were held by their many friends. In the morning, Feb. 23, Mr. and Mrs. Snetsinger were accompanied to Chicago by a number of friends, where they took the train at 3 o’clock for Newington to spend the honeymoon with the groom’s parents, returning about March 20, and will reside at Lake Zurich.
Board met in regular session at Village Hall, Wednesday, March 4. President Clark in the chair. Trustees Abbott, Lines, Robertson and Sandman present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:
John C. Meier, night watch…………………………………. $40.00
H. A. Landman, marshal……………………………………… 25.00
F. H. Frye, road scraper………………………………………. 8.50
It was resolved that the Village Attorney commence proceedings for the opening of Washington Street from Williams to Walnut Street. Board adjourned.
M. T. Lamey,
Village Clerk.